One of its mantras: I am that (Ham Sa or So Hum)
Throat chakra: meaning pure
Location: Throat and neck area
Vibration/resonance: VAM
Colour: Blue
Element: Ether or space
Sense: Auditory/hearing
Situated between the heart and the mind, the vishuddha chakra is the centre of communication between our heart's truest desires and the ideas emerging from our mind. Vishuddha is where we learn to listen (to ourselves and others), speak our truth clearly and make ourselves heard. In that sense, it is very much connected to the beauty found in silence, where many answers often await. Like its element (ether) it touches and is part of everything and, as such, its energy can be found in every chakra below it. When open and balanced, we feel in tune with and guided by our heart and express ourselves with ease and clarity. This is the place where all our impulses, dreams, creative ideas and projects come to realisation through the power of word and action.
Physically it reigns over the organs which are used in communication and artistic and creative projects: mouth, tongue, throat, ears, eyes and hands.
Yoga poses: Halasana (Plough pose), Salamba sarvangasana (shoulder stand), Matsyasana (Fish pose), Simhasana (Lion's breath).
Some essential oils to stimulate vishuddha: bergamot, eucalyptus, tea tree, mint, camomile, sandalwood...
Akasha mudra (mudra of touching the void): unite the tip of each thumb (fire element) with the tip of each middle finger (ether).
