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Muladhara Chakra

Updated: May 6, 2024


One of its mantras: My path is revealed to me

Root chakra: mula meaning root and adhara meaning support or base

Location: Base of the spine/pelvic floor region

Vibration/resonance: LAM

Colour: Red

Element: Earth

Sense: Olfactory/smell

Muladhara is the first of seven chakras that run upwards along the spine all the way to the crown of the head. It is our connection to our vehicle in this world: our physical body, and everything to do with our origins (roots) and our basic needs. There lies kundalini, powerful but often dormant spiritual energy or internal potential. When this chakra is balanced, the energy flows downward (earth connection) and upward (towards more spiritual realms) freely, creating a deep sense of security and stability with who we are without an unhealthy or draining attachment to it. Muladhara is the foundation upon which the opening of the remaining chakras is based.

On a physical level, it relates to the skeletal system (backbone and joints) and lower limbs. Also, through its colour, it has some connection to blood, as in family blood.

Yoga poses: Adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog), vrksasana (tree pose), utkatasana (chair or fierce pose). Long savasanas can be quite healing for this chakra through the connection to prithvi (earth energy).

Some essential oils to stimulate muladhara: ginger, thyme, basil, sage, patchouli, vetiver, sandalwood...

Prithvi (earth) mudra: join thumb (fire element) and annular (earth element)

Prithvi mudra

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