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Life Without Plastic (Spoiler Alert: It's Fucking Hard)

Updated: May 6, 2024

I have been recycling for donkey's years now but, I am ashamed to admit, it has been only very recently that I am rethinking my approach to the plastic problem in the world. It is definitely a big step and something very useful to recycle as much as I can. An even more valuable step is to stop using plastic altogether; a process I began last month when I bought a wooden toothbrush. I am very happy with it, by the way. That was an easy enough decision to see through. The real test came today when I went monthly shopping with the intent to stay away from plastic packaged products.

Wow! What an experience. 90% of the items in supermarkets AND health food shops come wrapped up in plastic! Having said that, I am also very happy to have local shops owned by friends which sell products in bulk. I already buy a lot of food items from my friend Rocio's shop Alhacena Granel in Seville, but today I also bought rice and pasta that she sells in bulk because I realised I would buy packaged pasta or rice which I would transfer to plastic jars once at home. I am smiling to myself as I feel a bit silly thinking about that :) It's very scary now that I am aware of how much I participate in the production of plastic and scary to see the careless and unnecessary use of plastic (like cucumbers suffocating in film wrap). It is definitely a challenge: on my first plastic free shopping, I did come back with one item wrapped in plastic. Now it is a matter of educating myself and choose where to shop, something I am looking forward to exploring and learn from.

Everything is a process, I am late to the party, but I have showed up now so the party has only just started!

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